When my close friend went into hospital for a knee replacement, no-one expected her to remain there 11 days. Once the medical team had ironed out the hitches, she was sent home to face a very different reality to the one anticipated. A much longer recovery time, bone-weary fatigue, intermittent brain fog and ongoing digestive upset.
Realising the need to pace herself, she shared her goal with me…just one job each day. A plan born of necessity, because she knew her energy was unlikely to reach further! Nonetheless, I applauded her choice and named the mission “One Big Task”. Just imagine sticking with it for an entire year – that would make 365 jobs complete! Even better, with a narrow focus and a project plan, think how much progress could be made overall. As James Clear tell us, small gains add up to big results.
Given a similar situation, you can beat yourself up for the long list of things you have to write off right now. Or you can celebrate the tremendous opportunity to repeat one small action consistently. In our busy lives, how many of us achieve that? I’ve now added a daily reminder to my phone for my “One Big Task” and I urge you to join us. Right now is the perfect time to kickstart your own consistency mission!