Each of us comes to this life to learn personal lessons. We all do this in different ways and at varying speeds. As soon as something works for you, you think it will be the best answer for someone else...but their head thinks in a different way and it goes at its own pace. That's not wrong, just different!
Say that your mum wants to learn to make pasta. Likely, she is not too interested when you enthuse: "I can show you how to knit" or "You should talk to my friend Sam, she bakes the best cakes".
There is a tenuous link (domestic goddess, fine motor skills, follow a set procedure, get better with practice, etc). But, unless mum can clearly see WIIFM (what’s in it for me), she may not wish to explore your suggestion further. Her refusal is not meant to be offensive, it’s just that she cannot see a personal relevance.
The BEST action you can take is to hold faith in mum's ability to make pasta. And remember to cheer her along, no matter how her first efforts turn out! Conviction and encouragement from loved ones will help her stay the course when difficulties come up.
When I'm asked to help a third party, I always send light. My aim is to warm the stove to the perfect temperature for that ‘al denté’ pasta result!